
California Summer (Part II) • Kath Eats

Mazen and I went to San Diego to visit his grandmother, Karen aka “KK”. Here part II of our California Summer! Catch part I here.

We planned two relaxing beach days and two action-packed park days for our trip. After the day at the zoo, we were glad to wake up and take our time. KK made waffles!

La Jolla Cove

After breakfast we drove up to La Jolla to visit the sea lions.

I’ve been to La Jolla cove many times and never can I remember people being allowed down on the beach with the sea lions! It was so cool and a highlight of the trip for me.

They were very tame and appeared to be used to tourists.

The one giant alpha male appeared to be in charge of the whole family! He was SO BIG and SO LOUD!


We went home for sandwiches before heading to the beach.

Yacht Club Round II

The kids couldn’t wait to get back to the yacht club and finish a massive fort they were building. They also played kayak races. The adults relaxed and read our books!

KK is a huge prankster and had fun with this rubber snake, which she put in my bed! It made its way to the beach where the kids did a dramatic act of pretending to pull it out of the water. Haha. 

Beach Sunset

We had leftovers for dinner and then went to the beach to watch the sunset!

California Breakfast

I woke up around 6:30 every morning and walked along the bay towards the beach to Pump Coffee on our last full day. I loved sipping my coffee with this view!

I found the nearest smoothie bowl spot and went to Rum Jungle for this massive bowl. I couldn’t finish it!


KK lives very close to SeaWorld, and the kids begged us to go all week, so it ended up being our final day activity. We loved the mix of shows, rides, and animals.

Nibble Fish

Letting these fish nibble on your hands was the craziest feeling!

But touching a sting ray is sooooo soft.

The Orca Show

The kids sat in prime splash zone while Andrew and I baked in the sun in order to stay dry!

Sea Lion Show

We loved the sea lion show – it was so funny!

Rapids Ride

I opted out of the rapids ride, again to try to stay dry!

Shark Tunnel

We loved going through the tunnel of sharks!


My favorite part was going on the two huge roller coasters, The Emperor and the Electric Eel. They were both crazy cool! Mazen even braved his fears and went on the Emperor twice!

Crawfish Mac and Cheese

KK stayed home from SeaWorld to rest, and we came home sweaty and hungry for crawfish mac and cheese! We also had a birthday cake for Mazen’s cousin who turns 9 next week!

We left early in the morning on Thursday. Wish we could have stayed longer, but Thomas and Birch missed us too much! Karen says hi to all you old timers and that she is doing well!

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